Performance Office Jazz (Undergraduate and Masters)
Jazz Applied Music Evaluation
Jury Information for Undergraduates
Specific jury requirements by Instrument can be found on the Performance Office's SharePoint page.
Applied Jazz teachers, in consultation with their students and coordinated with their improvisation courses, create repertoire lists of 20 tunes per year of study for Jazz Performance and 10 tunes per year for Jazz Comprehensive/Music Education.
At least 50% of the repertoire lists must include music composed and/or performed by Canadian, women, BIPOC or LGBTQ2S+ musicians.
Each student will create their personal “fakebook” of lead sheets. This fakebook will constitute the repertoire on which the student will be tested on their jury examination and is a cumulative list, i.e., 20 (10) tunes in first year, 40 (20) tunes in second year and so on. The student’s yearly list should contain a maximum of one blues and one rhythm changes tune. A numbered table of contents, including acknowledgement of Canadian, women, BIPOC and LGBTQ2S+ composers, must be provided and signed by the applied teacher.
Recital Information for Undergraduates and Masters
Specific Recital Requirements by Instrument can be found on the Performance Office's SharePoint page.
Jazz Concerts & Events
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