A headshot of a person wearing a suit, smiling and looking up at the camera, set against a black background.

Gregory Colley


Music Education


  • BMus, University of Toronto


Greg has been the Head of Music at Pierre Elliott Trudeau High School, in Markham, since 2004.  During this time, the program has seen great growth, currently seeing over 600 students taking music.  Greg is the conductor of the Grade 11 Wind Symphony, Grade 12 Wind Symphony, and a staff advisor for the Music Council. In February of 2019, he made his conducting debut at Carnegie Hall, with the Grade 12 Wind Symphony. Greg is also currently a sessional lecturer at the University of Toronto, Faculty of Music, in instrumental rehearsing and conducting techniques. Previously, he has been a sessional lecturer at the University of Toronto, Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, in instrumental music. In December of 2019, he made his conducting debut with the Toronto Youth Wind Orchestra. At the 2013 Musicfest Canada “The Nationals”, Greg was awarded the Keith Mann Award, as outstanding band director at the festival.

Greg is a graduate of the University of Toronto, both at the Faculty of Music where he studied music education and trumpet, and at OISE. He has led presentations at the OMEA conference on ensemble tone and teaching intonation, and his articles have been published by the Ontario Band Association. He is active as a clinician, conductor and adjudicator throughout Ontario.

In the Salvation Army, Greg is the bandmaster of the Yorkminster Citadel Band, which currently has grown to just over 30 members, ranging in age from 13 to 85. Greg is happily married to his wife Elizabeth and together they have 3 wonderful children, Brendan, Ryan and Caitlin.