Doctor of Musical Arts (DMA) Conducting
What to expect
The Doctor of Musical Arts in Performance, Conducting is the most advanced degree in conducting offered by the Faculty of Music. Students perform original research on a conducting-related subject while honing their skills leading ensembles focusing on choral, wind*, orchestral, opera, and/or contemporary music.
*Please note that the DMA Wind Conducting program is not accepting new students for the 2025/26 year.
Why it stands out
The program is a North American leader. Students study with distinguished conductors of national and international reputation. Faculty conductors help them pursue professional opportunities within the university and the larger music community beyond.
Who it's for
Students seeking to acquire high-level competencies and a deep intellectual and practical understanding of conducting are ideal candidates for the program.
Opportunities for study
Students emerge as expert conductors with exceptional knowledge of the field.
Opportunities after graduation
The degree prepares graduates to thrive as intellectually informed professional conductors and qualifies them for careers in post-secondary teaching and research.
DMA in Conducting
- DMA Seminar
- Research in Performance
- Conducting Lessons
- Elective Graduate Seminars
Core Courses
Core courses consist of individual instruction in conducting (the equivalent of two full-year courses) as preparation for three recitals candidates are required to perform during their program. Required courses also include a seminar on performance-related topics (the equivalent of one full-year course) and a preliminary independent research project conducted under the supervision of a faculty advisor (the equivalent of a 0.5 full-year course).
Students choose the equivalent of one full-year course and a 0.5 full-year course from a range of conducting-related graduate seminars.
Other Requirements
Students must complete a language requirement, major field exam, three recitals, and a thesis consisting of original research related to their performance specialization.
Complete admission requirements can be found at Application Materials.
Complete information on how to apply can be found at Applying.
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